Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I can see the floor!

I'm completely caught up with giant pile of laundry.

This is such a huge accomplishment that I cannot even explain how happy it makes me! I even vacuumed by the washer and dryer because I could actually see the floor. With a busy family of 4, which include a husband that gets really dirty at work, 2 small children who go through at least 2 outfits a day, and a mama that frequently gets dirtied by the previously mentioned small children....well you can imagine how much laundry that can create! Not to mention we don't use things like paper towels and frequently have messes to clean up, so that really adds to the laundry pile. The laundry is actually even folded and put away! I should rephrase that, as all the kid laundry is actually neatly piled in a basket as I need to go through their dresser before I put the clean stuff back in. Another part of my decluttering process.

Now that everything is clean at the same time, I see we have more than we need. Its probably an "average" amount for a family of 4, but I think that if we have less clothes total then we can never have a Mount Laundry in our basement again! I'd like to have less "stuff" in general anyway. I'm thinking 8 days worth for each family member is a good amount, that way if I really wanted, I could wait an entire week to do laundry. I don't think 8 days worth amounts to 8 outfits for my kids though so maybe I should rethink the amount I'm keeping, LOL! I'm thinking I'll pare back our clothes to what I think is the minimum and keep what we think we *might* need in a bag in our basement. If we don't need anything in it in, let's say 2 months, I'll donate it without opening it to look inside. I'll take before and after pics tomorrow when I dig through everything.

Previous projects update: Those nursing scrubs I mentioned awhile back did go to their new home, but the cloth diapers to sell got put aside while we were sick. They are on my to do list as I'd really like to have them actually be being used by someone else and be able to buy new (used actually) diapers that are the next size up for my son. I also deep cleaned/reorganized my kitchen recently and ended up having to delete the reorganizing photos as I needed room for Halloween pics. I cleaned out the plastic container cupboard which now houses mostly glass canning jars which we use for leftovers, storing dry goods, etc instead of the mismatched rubbermaid/tupperware crap that was exploding out of there before. My spice cabinet is actually so organized I can find whatever spices I need and I now only have ONE bottle of cinnamon instead of 3! I cleared off some stuff off the counters, cleaned the vitamin/medicine/herb basket on top of the fridge and cleaned up under the sink too. It feels great every time I'm in there cooking now! The only hot spot left in there is the stack of papers by the phone, which I'm hoping to tackle today but that will have to wait until we get home from our CSA pickup.


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