Thursday, October 26, 2006

the CSA share

Our weekly share from Terry's Berries farm: (photos of the lovely veggies won't load for some reason)

5 lbs red potatoes
1 lb baby beets
4 big carrots
6 small onions
8 heads garlic (!!!)
1 bunch of stacinato kale *YUMMY*
1 head cabbage
1 head of green leaf lettuce
6 lbs apples (!!!)
1 acorn squash
6 ears of yellow corn
1 lb tomatillos
4 hot peppers
2 dozen eggs from happy healthy chickens

Leftover from last week: 4 onions and 4 small unique eggplants, probably will roast them for lunch today

We are overloaded with apples, potatoes, garlic and onions. I made corn & rice chowder last night out of the last of the corn from last week and some leftover rice in the fridge, with some garlic (of course) and a few minced leaves of kale. The last of the eggplant will get eaten for lunch today as roasted eggplant (w/onions and garlic & homemade tomato sauce) over polenta slices. Tonight is wild coho salmon with garlic and a cooked tomatillo/hot pepper sauce, with some sort of red potatoes on the side and corn on the cob.

I'm planning on making some potato & carmelized onion frittata on Friday night to use up some of the mountains of onions since they really cook down that way. The kale will get eaten up a few leaves at a time (to savor it since it's my favorite veg) in a few different dishes, including eggsalad for lunch tommorrow. The cabbage I will probably give to my MIL since it doesn't agree with me (or my nursing baby). Lettuce will get eaten up by Z in his sandwiches for lunch. The acorn squash I will probably bake for lunch probably on Monday, and feed Anna other leftovers from the weekend since she is allergic to all squash. Eggs we eat for breakfast many days of the week (alternated with soaked oatmeal). The apples will be our afternoon snacks with sunbutter and I may make a spicy apple pie this weekend for Z's birthday. Carrots and more potatoes for Z's birthday dinner. The rest of the hot peppers will probably get thrown in the freezer for when they are out of season. I think that is everything!

Note: A few of the items like the eggplant, hot peppers, tomatillos and potatoes are from other Pacific NW organic farms that our CSA partners with each year. We get mostly stuff grown at our farm, with some other hot weather stuff thrown in for variety. Its fun to get the occasional item from an Eastern WA CSA too.


At 1:04 PM, Blogger Gavi said...

That is so cool! I want so badly to be able to join a CSA...hopefully one day soon.

At 1:42 PM, Blogger Sara said...

Wow...that is a TON of food. Our CSA has one week left...and it's slowly getting smaller and smaller. This week was kohlrabi, turnips, lettuce mix, and shallots. Not too exciting. I'm jealous :) I want apples!

At 6:50 PM, Blogger celestialdreamer said...

Yes it is ton! I'm just glad my skinny little 2yo loves her veggies! Surprisingly we eat almost everything each week, and pass any leftovers along to family members. I suppose when my baby boy is older we will use it all ourselves. This was a bigger than average week, but if we plan our meals around our share we do pretty good with it.

Valancy- Try a spicy apple butter with the apples, it is a great way to use it up and then have on hand for the holidays. I wonder if I've met you before...

Sara- How 'bout we trade some apples for some salad LOL! I was so sick of salad this summer but now I am craving it to balance out all the heavy root veggies in season.

At 7:03 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

Wow! That is so much. Your meal ideas sound delicious too. So delicious.


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